4D Ultrasound - Pregnancy and Scanning
Executive summary about 4D Ultrasound by Desiree’ Nel
4d ultrasound (fourth-dimensional) is the latest ultrasound technology allowing you to take 3d ultrasound images with the added element of taking live action movies (4D) of your unborn child. 3D images taken from a 4D scan can also visually clarify or determine the baby's gender and heartbeat. It further allows doctors and sonographers to analyze fetal motion, visualize the internal anatomy in every direction and perform exams previously unavailable.
Conventional 2-D imaging requires a precise plane to observe the unborn baby but, new techniques allow practitioners to freely rotate 3-D images of the scanned fetus within a stored volume.
2D Ultrasounds are ordered by a physician at certain intervals during pregnancy and is usually performed at a clinic, doctors office or at an ultrasound imaging center.
· Determining fetal age
· Analyzing fetal development
· Evaluating multiple and/or high-risk pregnancies
· Detecting fetal abnormalities
· Detecting structural problem with uterus
· Detecting placental abnormalities
· Detecting abnormal bleeding
· Determining ectopic pregnancy and other abnormalities of pregnancy
· Detecting ovarian tumor/fibroids
· Locating the placenta
A 4d ultrasound scan provides live video footage of the baby's movements, developments and the baby's heartbeat.
Cheap 4D Ultrasound Advantages
Executive summary about 4D Ultrasound by Nichole Clark
There are now private companies which provide cheap 4d ultrasound scans which you can book to complement your existing prenatal healthcare. Many people like this especially as a way of bonding with their unborn baby, and it makes them feel a closer family unit. Watching a DVD can be an exciting and rewarding experience for all concerned. They are even appearing on video sites such as YouTube and other networking sites, some people are so proud they just can't wait to share their unborn child with the rest of the world. There are different reasons why people may look for cheap 4d ultrasound. An early pregnancy scan takes place between 7 to 11 weeks, and really can measure the viability of the pregnancy (it is not possible to determine the gender of your baby so early in its development).
If you choose to have a cheap 4d ultrasound scan anywhere from week 16, it is possible to determine the gender of your baby.
More information is available planned parenthood.
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